Five Ways we Reduce Our Environmental Impact

ISO14001 accredited, White Ink Architects promotes the design of sustainable, energy-efficient buildings as a key principle of our approach – whilst also setting targets annually and actively measuring and monitoring them to continually improve our business operations and reduce our environmental impact.

Skype meetings increased by 87.5% – a saving of 16 flights/400kg C02 emissions.

We encourage skype meetings and other methods to avoid travelling unnecessarily.

‘Active Travel Challenge’ Winners for two consecutive years.

2.8 % Bus use increase

3.8% Train use increase

‘Think before you Ink’ – Printing costs decreased by 22%.

To reduce our paper consumption and printing costs staff are encouraged to ‘Think before you Ink’ We use tablets to take our projects with us on the go. We have dual screens on computers to share work. We calculate the amount of paper used per person per day.

Successfully delivered BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes accredited projects.

We aspire to create architecture that responds to the environment and enhances the lives of those who experience the building. We strive to create efficient strategies of existing proposals to streamline them and make them more cost effective for our clients.

Energy Use per m2/pp decreased by 10.8%.

38.9% reduction in gas usage.

Electricity and gas use is monitored and recorded – annual base line targets are set to reduce our consumption. We have developed a strategy to measure the levels by creating an energy index that helps us record baseline figures, energy per person per day. Solar blinds and solar film installed in the office to reduce the need for air-conditioning and enhance staff comfort.

*Statistics relate to 2017 performance.