Newry Community Treatment & Care Centre, Newry

Completion due
Southern Trust/OHMG

A new £30m Community Treatment and Care Centre (CTCC) in Newry, the site is located adjacent to a listed building and lies between a Landscape Policy Area and a Conservation Area.

The design comprises a four storey building set on the site of previous playing fields, which naturally sit lower than the surrounding buildings.

White Ink carried out a site appraisal and with consideration of the site specific contextual conditions, produced a site masterplan incorporating the CTCC, future development and redevelopment of the listed building and feasibility design stage drawings for initial discussion with the Planning Authority and presentation to the local council. Based on initial feedback this then informed the co-ordinated design drawings produced for the Outline Planning Application submission.

After considerable liaison with NIEA regarding the requirements for existing badger setts, Outline Planning Permission was granted. Reserved Matters Planning Permission documents have been prepared following the award of preferred bidder at tender stage and further liaison has been undertaken with the Planning Authority and associated bodies on the design development.

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